EMDR: What is it and how can it help me?
Click on the picture below to watch a video explaining EMDR and how it can be used to help you reach your full potential as a human being.
Meditation: Why to use it, exactly how to use it, and what happens in your brain and body when you d
This Vlog expounds upon my initial written blog on how to meditate and dives deeper into the explanation for why we meditate as well as...
Meditation: Why to use it, how to use it, and what happens in the brain when you use it.
This is a vlog that expands upon my last written blog post on how to meditate. Its more in depth and has a focus on using meditation to...
5 Tips for Setting and Smashing Goals
New Years mean new goals, renewed energy for what’s ahead and a chance to start over. We all have high hopes and ideas for how we can be...
8 Nutrition Tips on Thriving During the Holiday Party Season
The holiday season is upon us and with that comes travel away from home, schedule changes, and many types of celebrations. From potlucks...
A Holistic Approach to Helping You Reach Your Full Potential; How EMDR Can Change Your Life.
Click the above picture to listen/watch the VLOG!!! We are a culmination of our biology and environment. Everything that happens to us...
Follower: Corey Brooks has GRIT.
Check out Corey's story below for some awesome inspiration. Corey definitely has grit and his story deserves to be told...if you follow...
Injury Prevention and Recovery Through Posterior Chain Strengthening, Nutrition, and Down Regulation
Hey Guys! This video blog is all about how anterior dominance (front of the body- think quads/chest) is contributing to imbalances which...
What is GRITrx and how can CrossFit help those in recovery from addiction. CrossFit Equity to offer
Instilling GRIT is still a major component of the company and is the basis for change whether its for nutrition, fitness, mental health,...
"There is a voice inside that does not use words...listen"- Rumi
“There is a voice inside that does not use words….listen” - Rumi My last blog was all about using exercise to deepen our experience of...